Ban the Cheering: It’s for the Presidency, not High School Student Council
Crowd noise at Presidential debates should be prohibited. Debates are an opportunity for the American people to learn about and compare...
The Dangers of Substituting Executive Orders for Legislation
The Executive Orders on guns and immigration set dangerous precedents for the future of American Democracy. Executive Orders were never...
Two Fundamental Truths for Republican Presidential Candidates and the Republican National Committee’
The Republican Presidential candidates must accept two fundamental truths: the Democratic nominee is their opposition in the 2016...
Fostering a National Discussion: My Hopes for CNN and the Moderator of the Second Republican Pres
On September 16 at the Second Republican Presidential Debate, CNN has a great opportunity to foster a national discussion on what America...
A Word of Caution to Republicans regarding the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in Indiana
Republicans should pay close attention to the negative response to Indiana’s passage of its Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). ...
A Better Way to Protest Speaker Boehner’s Invitation to Prime Minister Netanyahu
While Congressmen and Senators have a right to protest whether Speaker Boehner acted within his authority by inviting Prime Minister...
The Missed Opportunities in the 2015 Republican Response to the State of the Union
In their response to the State of the Union, Republicans should have challenged Obama’s dubious claims regarding the economic and foreign...
The Sophomoric Side of the State of the Union
Whether given by a Republican or a Democrat, the State of the Union has a major flaw: the constant interruptions with applause. During...
Governor Mitt Romney and His Big Step for the Republican Party
Because of their stance on gay marriage, Republicans are branded as being homophobic and against all rights for homosexuals. Republicans...
The Need for Congressional Term Limits: Two is Enough!
Congressmen (men and women) and Senators should be limited to serving two terms. The Congressional Research Service states that, for the...